Saturday, August 9, 2014

Progress at Glacial Speed

I haven't posted in ages, but that doesn't mean I haven't been working on the Influence project! Actually, I think and pray about it daily.

In fact, I am ecstatic to report that - get out the bells and whistles and start the drumroll - I began my first interview this week!! This is definitely worth a post.

I arrived in Alaska last Friday night after a long day of travel. The next morning I woke up and met their very special house guest. My mom introduced him to me as an old friend of theirs who had a very interesting history of travels in Mongolia.

That definitely piqued my interest and we started chatting over breakfast. Our 'chat' turned into an hour long conversation where he unfolded the most incredible story. I felt like I was sitting at the feet of someone who belonged in the annals of history as one of the key Western influencers in modern-day Mongolia.

What struck me the most is, this man has never written his story down. I could tell, this is the type of man who did not necessarily seek to influence. He did not seek recognition or attention of any sort. He was content to simply live the best he could and find joy in living that way. It is surely evidenced in his accomplishments.

Truly, this is the type of influencing examples I have been seeking. Real people who do good things for the right reasons.

So I offered to interview him. He was delighted at the thought of getting his story down. I was delighted at the thought of having finally found someone who illustrates the model of influence I hope to more fully discover over time.

Speaking of time, this week in Alaska I have been learning more about glaciers.  In my youthful understanding, they were simply a relic of the ice age. But here in Alaska, they live on! I've visited Alaska four times now and have observed the influence of glaciers all around. The incredible U-shaped valleys, the streaks on the rock wall, moraines, etc. 

Yet, I still feel perplexed by glaciers. My mind simply cannot grasp the concept of a 'river of ice'. How can ice be a river? It's a frozen solid mass!

As I've done a little more research and observation, I've learned the key to glacial movement isn't just time, it's actually the tipping of the balance. When forces like the accumulation of snow, compression of ice, and the force of gravity are greater than the loss of ice through melting, calving (when big chunks break off into icebergs), and evaporation, then the balance is upset and movement occurs. The glacier will then either advance, or retreat. (see here to learn more - it's fascinating!)

A few days ago, my mom and I went on a hike to the peak of Alyeska where, when you get to the top, you can see a view of seven glaciers. As we talked about how perplexing glaciers were, she reminded me of a phrase we often use in our venacular: "he's moving at glacial speed!"

I can truly relate to 'glacial speed'! That definitely defines many areas I seek to progress in in as a person trying to overcome weaknesses, develop new habits, and ultimately progress toward my goal of eternal life with my God and my family.

But now that I understand a little more about the forces at play within glaciers,  I appreciate something new about the speed at which I seem to make tangible progress towards my goals. Interestingly, it is the times when my equilibrium is upset - often by forces outside my control - that I seem to grow the most. When I seem to not be progressing, perhaps I just need to be still for awhile and seek more 'accumulation' of knowledge, revelation, insight, and just plain experience, before I am ready to advance.

So, now, instead of being perplexed by glaciers, I feel encouraged by them. I too, can move at glacial speed, and know that it may just be the best I can do.

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