Friday, December 9, 2011

Lighting a fire

This is a blog about questions, and hoped-for-answers.      

For years I have been making little observations about how people influence others for good. It fascinates me to consider the power one person's actions or ideas can have on so many other people. Seldom do we realize the degree of influence we have on others, and others on us. Like the light of a tiny flame can transform a dark room, so can one person's light - or influence.

I used to just notice things about influence once here and there. But lately I see it everywhere! So partially to keep my own sanity, I need a place to collect those thoughts and share them. And I'm hoping you'll share some of your thoughts and observations with me. Together we can learn how to be an influence for good in our own little spheres.

Since every good research project begins with some definitions and assumptions, here are some of the definitions of "Influence" I liked in Mirriam Websters (emphasis added):


2: an emanation of spiritual or moral force
3a : the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command b : corrupt interference with authority for personal gain
4: the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways : sway
1: to affect or alter by indirect or intangible means
2: to have an effect on the condition or development of

I particularly liked definition 3 - "with out exertion of force or direct exercise of command", and 4 - using "indirect and intangible ways". This really resonates with me because of how it honors the concept of agency. We as human beings were created to act, rather than be acted upon. We learn and grow by making choices for ourselves, not by being controlled by "experts" who think they know better (even if they really do!)

So my assumptions include the idea that influence includes is a respect for another person's freedom to choose their own actions. Influencers are not controllers.

I understand this conceptually, but I want to see and hear examples, anecdotes, stories! I want to know:

1) Who do you know that has been an Influence for Good in your life or in others lives?
2) What did these people do to influence others (skills & characteristics)? (I like using the STAR method to give examples: Situation, Task, Action, Result)
3) Did these people tend to allow themselves to be more influenced by others?
4) Were these people in a formal position of authority or not?
5) Did the person's ability to influence change over time? How?

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